بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

"ياأيها الناس إن خلقناكم من ذكر وأنثى وجعلناكم شعوب وقبائل لتعارفوا إن أكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم "

المجلس ألإسلامي للسودان الجديد


C/O NRRDO PoBox: 27531    بواسطة: نوب  ص. ب. 27531                                                                            

Nayo Stadium - Nairobi Kenya                                                                                               نيروبى كينيا                                   

Tel:  (+54)72-828833تلفون: 828833-072                                                                                                      Fax: 448540 فاكس: 448540                                                                                                                         E-mail:  nsic89@yahoo.com                                                                  nsic89@yahoo.com  بريد الكترونى:

Date:…….. التاريخ: .............                                                                                                                          

Our Ref:…….. مرجعنا : ...........                                                                                                                     

Your Ref:……. مرجعكم: ...........                                                                                                                                               

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

"ياأيها الناس إن خلقناكم من ذكر وأنثى وجعلناكم شعوب وقبائل لتعارفوا إن أكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم "

المجلس ألإسلامي للسودان الجديد


C/O NRRDO PoBox: 27531    بواسطة: نوب  ص. ب. 27531                                                                            

Nayo Stadium - Nairobi Kenya                                                                                               نيروبى كينيا                                   

Tel:  (+54)72-828833تلفون: 828833-072                                                                                                     

Fax: 448540                                                                                                         E-mail:  nsic89@yahoo.com      

Date:…….. التاريخ: .............                                                                                                                          

Our Ref:…….. مرجعنا : ...........                                                                                                                     

Your Ref:……. مرجعكم: .........                                                                                                                        

Open letter to Koffi Annan,

United Nations Secretary General

Subject: The Shame of all time in Darfur. While you are the Secretary General!

From: New Sudan Islamic Council (NSIC)

When the government of President Omar Hassn Al-Bashier took power in 1989, it justified the military take over with a claim to solve the Sudanese problems. Later several hidden agendas emerged; internally it intensified the war against the Sudanese People Liberation Movement and Army (SPLM/A), abusing all human rights in Sudan; internationally, the same government accommodated international terrorists, including Osama Bin Laden and Omar Abdurrahman (currently serving a jail sentence in a US prison, for trying to blow the world trade centre in 1993). During the period of 1992/94, the Sudanese rulers participated with Bin Laden in establishing Al-Qaeda, thus transforming the whole Sudan into breeding ground to destabilize the region and international peace, stability and modernization. These agendas appeared in the failed attempt to assassinate president Mubark in Addis Ababa in 1995, the bombing of both American Embassies in Nairobi and Dar-Elsalam, and the September 11, 2001 attacks on the world trade centre in New York.

The national Islamic front (NIF) government in Khartoum (now ruling national congress party) postponed temporarily its evil dreams, faced with stiff resistance from SPLM/A, internal pressure and the international community, after it had carried out large scale genocides and enslavement towards our people in Southern Sudan, Nuba Mountains and Funj region of the New Sudan.

We would like to emphasize our support to the current peace talks in Naivasha, and that we are grateful to IGAD, Kenya and the international communities, for their great efforts and determination to bring peace to Sudan, regardless of Khartoum obstacles.

Presently Rwandans are remembering (while the world is regretting) how they lost one million souls in 1994, while the whole world was following through the media as if anesthetized, (except for the Pan Africa Congress while on its 7th session (April 4/8 1994) in Kampala Uganda, delegates that condemned the starting sign of the genocide and called the world body, Uganda government and Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF) to help stopping that killing fields, that RPF later managed, of which we are proud). Unfortunately ten years later, while great efforts are made to reach a just and lasting peace for part of the Sudanese problem at Naivasha, an enormous genocide is currently going on in Darfur, carried out by the Sudanese government army and its militant wing the Janjaweed.

The genocide had been reported by many:

The American envoy to Sudan (in mid February this year while flying over Darfur);

The UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan Mr. Mukesh Kapila, told reporters in Nairobi that the vicious war in Darfur had led to violations on a scale that was comparable in character to the Rwandan situation. The only difference between Rwanda and Darfur now is the numbers involved. Kapila added that the systematic depopulation of the Darfur region resembled a "scorched earth policy". "This is more than just a conflict; it is an organized attempt to do away with a group of people."; (AllAfrica Global Media (allAfrica.com);

UN Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs, Mr. Jan Egeland added that it represents an ethnic cleansing. Human rights organizations described details killing, atrocities, raps and burning of villages, among them; . The International Crises Group (ICG) in their report “DARFUR RISING: SUDAN’S NEW CRISES March 25, 2004”.

The Human rights Watch; They added “militias backed by the government of Sudan are committing crimes against humanity in Darfur” in their report “Sudan: Massive Atrocities in Darfur at: http://hrw.org/reports/2004/sudan0404 on April 2004”; others are TV and radio reporters.

The moral weight of the present ethnic cleansing in Darfur (after Rwanda and Bosnia lessons) is no less than the slave trade three centuries ago, with one difference; that we didn’t attend that shameful practice, but all living human beings are presently witnessing the genocide in Darfur.

Can’t the justification that allowed allied troops to change Taliban and Saddam, regimes be allowed to stop this historical crime? Where men are killed, while women and girls if not killed, are raped and branded on their hand to carry the stigma forever, by the Khartoum militia (Janjaweed), currently in Darfur? (http://Sudaneseonline.Com Posted on: March 8, 2004 at 4:43am CDT).

As a Secretary General of the Security Council, what were the painful learned lessons from Rwanda genocide?

If there are lessons, you must call a special session for the Security Council to discuss the genocide in Darfur and the Sudanese issues in general?

Sincerely, yours

Mahmoud E. Yousif

Chairman of the New Sudan Islamic Council
E-mail: nsic89@yahoo.com
Date: April 5, 2004